Friday, November 14, 2014

New Alpha Bitch Published Today

***** 5 Star Book Review *****  

"I loved it! He really hit the nails on their heads. I have watched women my entire life, often wondering why they do what they do, to each other and themselves. Richard breaks down the different psychosis into organized archetypes. His insights are thought provoking and he tempers the volatile subject matter with his brand of humor, which I appreciated also. Sadly I am sure many thin skinned PC femmes will be upset by the reading of this, but if you truly wish to be a better woman you will not prolong facing these dark parts of our gender any more than you must and stop the madness! It should be required reading in Women's Studies courses :) seriously. You are a brave man for writing this book and I think your insights are a valuable resource Richard, Bravo!" - RB - Amazon Reviews

 New Alpha Bitch

(The for description for New Alpha Bitch below)

Obviously, there are all kinds of women, especially American women. White, black, yellow, brown, tall, short, thin, fat, angry, kind, generous, stingy, rich, poor, funny, sad, gay, straight, et cetera. There are also millions of women who are homeless, full or part-time crazy and in prison. Luckily for all of us, most American women are wonderful people who genuinely care and are supportive and equal partners with men in life. However, the traditional American woman of the past has almost vanished and along the global Internet, the New Alpha Bitch has emerged in her place.

When Elvis Presley sang the words “Hardheaded woman, soft hearted man, been the cause of trouble ever since the world began. Oh yeah! Ever since the world began” - I’m guessing he was singing about the New Alpha Bitch. :-)

Millions of newly empowered and equalized American women are entering the knowledge-based millennium armed with new computer networks, new birth control advances, new harassment laws, new political power, mountains of American money, oceans of cosmetics, thousands of TV channels and ten thousand years of experience in sexually enticing and manipulating men and boys. I’m not sure all this new feminine power this is going to be good - for anyone. 

American women in greater power can be a wonderful blessing or a very real curse. And American women will compete in the future with the duel-face ability and instinctive knowledge that will certainly create thousands of new female millionaires and billionaires. The side effects, backlash and fallout from this feminine power growth will surely create at least a billion male fools who do not understand the enormous new power of women. Already, millions of American men are asking themselves: “What is erotic capital and what the hell just happened to my job?” Or perhaps: “Why is she suing me? I didn’t do anything wrong.” This confusion in men will undoubtably accelerate in the future. American men are being pushed to the sidelines, and American Alpha Bitches are pushing and leading the way.

In her book “The End of Men - The Rise of Women” Hanna Rosin put it this way: “These twenty-eight-year-old women halfway to an elite MBA, with five years of finance (on Wall Street) and enough money to shop at Barneys, were using their sex appeal not to just catch a man or dazzle him with some girls-gone-wild striptease, but to challenge him in his most important domain, the workplace. It’s even possible that women are using their sex appeal not to just keep up with the men, but to surpass them. If in college sex appeal is something you have to rein in to focus on your career, after college it might actually be a career booster.” 

The New Alpha Bitch is an abstrusely different kind of American woman that has never existed on this planet in such great numbers. They’re exceptionally smart, naturally endowed, politically skilled, sexually adventurous, cunningly innocuous, economically vicious and they don’t just give a damn about men - unless the man or men - do exactly what they want, when they want it. You, man or woman, need to know how to recognize and deal with this new kind of woman because they are set to inherit the controlling interest in the worlds largest economy..and the effects aren’t necessary going to pretty for everyone.

Another disturbing trend facing American men is the rise of the overtly effeminate male or what the author calls the Rise of the Quasi Man. A quasi man is a male who prefers to act and look like a woman to another man. They are not real or normal men and they are also a distinct version of the New Alpha Bitch. They are “mere males” - not real men. The fears of normal or traditional men of Alpha Bitches are also discussed in this brave new work. This brilliant and necessary work will shed a new light on the sad side of global feminism. 

In The End of Men, Rosin also wrote: “Studies about the ‘normal’ male holding the reins are no longer in vogue. These days the establishment is being marshaled to conform our new cultural notion that men have become the frail dependents in need of a protector. That men need marriage more than women do. In fact, they need it to survive. In the epic battle of the sexes, they now have to wave the white flag and cross over to the woman’s world if they want any hope of a good life. To win, they (men) have to submit.” 

Unfortunately, Rosin right here but you need to understand why this is happening now and what to do about it. Learn how to protect yourself and your family from the New Alpha Bitch and share it. Helen Smith, PhD, author of Men on Strike put it this way: American society has become anti-male. Men are sensing the backlash and are consciously and unconsciously going ‘on strike.’ They are dropping out of college, leaving the workforce and avoiding marriage and fatherhood at alarming rates. The trend is so pronounced that a number of books have been written about this ‘man-child’ phenomenon, concluding that men have taken a vacation from responsibility simply because they can. But why should men participate in a system that seems to be increasingly stacked against them?” 

The above are a just a few of the reasons the author is now publishing The New Alpha Bitch It is the third in the New Power of Women series and was compiled after 20 years of dedicated research and hundreds of personal interviews. It is being priced as a bargain ebook for wider distribution, learning, and sharing. Upon completion, readers are also invited to share their own personal stories for inclusion in the next book in the series and/or on the New Power of Women blog. If readers will also share which chapters personally meant the most to them, readers are given a free copy of any of the authors other books. 

"I quickly discovered it took far more internal security to speak on behalf of men than to speak on behalf of women." - Warren Farrell, PhD. The Myth of Male Power

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Her Power of Being His Reward

If the heart of a man is depress’d with cares, 
the mist is dispelled when a woman appears.” – Ibid

(A chapter from the book - Bogus Beauty & New Power of American Women)

There can be no doubt it, there are many different and awesome powers in American women and some of them are ineffable. If we also acknowledges these different powers with a fundamental understanding of what is probably the deepest, most common and most obscure belief we all share - then we can all gain. That core power is the power women have of being his reward. This power of being his reward is given - literally - to ALL American women and put upon ALL American men at birth. This life-long, unconscious and automatic belief touches the very core of what a normal woman means to a normal man. It’s also the basis of our society, biology and epistemology.

Throughout history in fables, fairy tales, myths and folklore, men have always fought the dragons and demons and other men to save the woman - any women - from danger. And it has always been the woman, the lady or the princess, he wins as his reward. His beautiful new queen, trophy or prize if you will. Even today, it is man’s hand-me-down duty to lay down his life before a woman would give up hers. That’s just the way it is. He is labeled a coward or less of a man - if he doesn’t. Men have always been the expendable warriors and hunters that have always received women as their reward IF (the big IF) they are successful. They are also typically martyred if they are killed by other men in the process. Men kill each other for the right to lay down with her and receive her touch. The power of being his reward is also the right to be her “hero.” In fairytales, the American she-species is typically thought of with a white veil of innocence, with flowers and soft lights, never to be thought of as bad or evil, unless it is a witch. From wedding magazines to Disney movies, she is Snow White always surrounded by dopey male dwarfs until her taller, handsome prince rescues her. Continuous TV commercials for makeup and moms, reinforce this fantasy notion of her innocence, beauty and purity.

This inbred mythical belief system about sheltering a woman from harm stems mainly from prehistoric times, when men used brute force against each other in order to get access to breeding rights from the female. This primordial instinct, which is in the reptilian part of our mind, still motivates the majority of male actions - both consciously and subconsciously. Men believe they must also protect and/or prevent their women from being with other men because they know women are instinctively attracted to men who offer more protection and security (wealth). Just like the wild animals in nature, the taller, tougher, stronger, younger, wealthier or meaner guy, gets more choices for girls. This is implicit in the “bad-boy” syndrome American women seem to favor (when they are young). This also sets up the continuous bind men always find themselves in when it comes to women at any age. Men are constantly damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Moreover, in our new world of global communications, computers, finance and knowledge, brute force is no longer the only way protection is offered. Men now have to demonstrate new wealth/earning and communication traits and also want to do the laundry and dishes - as Sheryl Sandberg espouses in her book Lean In. This new laundry expectation and or feminine equality requirement, is of course, additional to having reminiscent caveman qualities. Typical American male heroes (especially in the movies) must also have pop-out stomach muscles and demonstrate among themselves to be cunning, quick and continuously smarter and/or brutal than other men (think football and James Bond). Daily, men must slay copious new competitors as well as all the economic demons just to gain the rights to make love with the she creature. This too, is just how it is. Rarely do American women of wealth pull men up financially, unless of course, she is an older women or a sexually hungry “cougar” (also see chapters The New Alpha Bitch and Granny Power chapters). 

The opposite is true for most older men of means. Because of this new digital shift in how wealth is created, men, more than women, initially took to the computer’s empowering potential more than women - until now. Older studies (of the 80s and 90s) have shown that men were excelling at math, engineering and computer sciences and that the primary, underlying reason was because the computer had become the main wealth creation system and therefore the main method of providing protection and security. In simpler words, in order to provide, the male needed to overtly demonstrate smarts with a computer with which to gain wealth and to impress her (into the sack - aka breed). This also means, he is constantly under pressure to perform with his brains, ideas, cunning and often brawn as well to get her as a (his) reward (or keep her satisfied). This is not so with women, especially now in a new normal economy with copious feminist networks. A women needs a man like cat needs a dog.

Here’s an quote from – Warren Farrel, author of The Myth of Male Power, which gives us an insight how things used to be just a few decades ago. Also of course, much of this erroneous thinking still exists today.

"For a woman, the key to wealth, is not in what she earns, 
but what is spent on her."
Without having knowledge and wealth (some kind of power demonstration), most men know they don’t stand a chance for breeding with higher classes of women and there are lots of problem women and bimbos at the bottom. Most normal men also know it’s extremely hard to deny feminine magnetism especially when she needs to be satisfied and/or when she feels the “time is right.” The reality is too, his sexual performance is always a challenge greater than hers. He internalizes the act of sex much differently as well. His limp failure in the act is much more obvious too (more about this coming up in her Power to Create Bogus Boners).

On the other hand, women of past millennia have not had to impress with their finances or knowledge to succeed in life, because men have typically done it for them. Men just handed over the checks and when they died, if they had it, they left it all to the wife. American women have not had to compete directly in business with men and other women and develop those necessary skills - until the last 100 years. Today however, women are creating businesses and graduating from college at a faster rate than men and thousands of feminine support networks have a lot to do with this. She herself is becoming her own new hero. But this fact too, is a huge future problem for both him and her (more about this in the chapters New Power of Feminism).

Now however, and in this new hi-tech, global digital era, fake beauty could and should be recognized for what it really is, which is, a old tool for female competition and male sexual manipulation. Makeup should become an anachronistic joke and recognized as an unneeded crutch when it used. But will women stop using it? Probably not - probably never.

Her awesome power of being his reward, carries over into everything both men and women say and do, anytime and anywhere, but it is rarely thought of in this way. Most people just continue to believe that men have to prove themselves and do not dig deeper into what their reward actually entails and, what it really costs them - when and IF they get it (her). Men compete, not just for cars, money and toys but to impress and get women at least interested and/or satisfied. It’s because women have always been a man’s ultimate reward and thus, must have her for his own self-esteem. Men feel especially happy and “empowered” when they know their woman is “satisfied” with them. Thank your mom for most of that mental programming.

Not so for her however, she is emotionally stronger and wants or needs a man to have her children (see chapter Power of Unconditional Love). Her self-esteem problem typically centers around her face and body and she has been and is still being conditioned (by other women) to do without men unless it is for her own security (see New Alpha Bitch chapter). Our high-tech economy changed the basic security needs of all American women and dramatically did so in her favor with the invention of the birth control pill in the 1960s. More recently, the second type of birth control or “Morning After” pill has expanded her pregnancy options again and is now available over-the-counter to girls as young as age 15. That change is brewing big trouble in some unknown ways.

“A woman needs a man, like a fish needs a bicycle.” – Gloria Steinem

Most male doctors and psychologists, when treating men for erectile dysfunction (ED) or family problems, rarely factor in global population-economics and the new competition and jealousy reality between men and women. Rarely considered as well, is the constant bombardment of fantasy bogus beauty images burned into the American male mind. Many media pundits also fail to consider that men, typically, have no subjective counter-measures for her type of bogus visual competition, especially in business. Continuous male confusion, caused by incessant bogus beauty also works to the economic advantage of women. Having always been his reward, is similar to always knowing there is an available fool nearby. In this, both genders qualify equally.

“Disguise our bondage as we will, 'tis woman, 
woman that rules us still.” – Tom Moore

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Power of Your Age and Perceptions

“There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge than the ambiguity of words.” – Thomas Reid, Scottish philosopher
Depending on your age, sex and current perceptions, the content of this blog will understood and internalized differently. And, I hope you will understand as I meant it to be. However, because I have no idea of who you are - that hope of mine isn’t certain. Far from it.

Here’s why: Recent research gives us new and better clues as to how our mind works in relation to our bodies, especially when it comes to how chemicals and our age and perceptions effect our past and present beliefs. Our simplest thoughts effect our health and sex and can release certain natural chemicals which can either heal or hurt. Endorphins, adrenaline, estrogen and testosterone for examples. Moreover, our natural chemistry is our natural subconscious controller. Viagra on the other hand (pun?), is a unnatural chemical hybrid that doesn’t work without the libido. And, libido is created from mere fantasy thoughts swirling in our younger minds, pushing the necessary chemistry along. Some consider the libido as strictly psychological and a very natural component of the life instinct. Moreover, young people are always pretty much directed by their libido and hormonal chemistry, especially when it comes to choosing a mate or new sexual partner. Unfortunately, unnatural chemistry assimilation is overwhelming many people and that unnatural assimilation is insidiously at work everywhere. Unnatural chemistry is also contained in makeup, aka bogus beauty. This unnatural overuse - oceans of cosmetics by women - sets up many potential problems later in life go both men and women. Women fall in love with what they hear and men fall in love with what they see. Tribalism is also a great subconscious controller and magnet to your beliefs and actions.

In different words, your thoughts can and will change the feelings and chemical reactions in your system. Where you were raised and live now, or who your tribe was, also matters. In different words, your thoughts and past beliefs can also blind you to the real truth and reality around you because your present age has a great deal to do with your perceptions, thoughts and present chemistry. All of which can and will definitely change over time.
“We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Anaïs Nin
Influential movies, books and bloggers can also use words which create thoughts which may also poison the thinking of young people for their future, mainly because what they leave out or don’t say and/or deny is also critically important. Especially in the global media. For example, the strong opinions of Sheryl Sandberg in her book “Lean in” and by Hanna Rosin in her “The End of Men - The Rise of Women,” book may negatively influence a lot of young men and women who might process her words differently than I did, a mature man. Rosin’s book, as well as Hillary Clinton’s recent speeches, prompted me into taking immediate action but also gave me pause to examine my own past beliefs about myself. Much of what they write is positive and necessary but also in many ways - wrong to my thinking. To me, both these influential women are in denial about  their use of bogus beauty and thus leave out critical solutions. Rosin, in The End of Men - The Rise of Women wrote:

“To put it crudely, now feminist progress is largely dependent on hook-up culture. To a surprising degree, it is women - not men - who are perpetuating the culture, especially in school, cannily manipulating it to make space for their success, always keeping their own ends in mind. Today’s college girl likens a serious suitor to an accidental pregnancy in the nineteenth century: a danger to be avoided at all costs, lest it thwart a promising future. 
Studies about the ‘normal’ male holding the reins are no longer in vogue. These days the establishment is being marshaled to confirm our new cultural notion that men have become the frail dependents in need of a protector. That men need marriage more than women do. In fact, they need it to survive.” 

Unfortunately, Rosin’s right here but she leaves out the real solution. I think she’s also in denial, as most people are about women. My work here will hopefully bring a better understanding of the emerging power of women and to recognize and counteract, a new type of damaging and extra-powerful American woman - the New American Alpha Bitch.

The New American Alpha Bitch ebook will be released next week and if you'd like a free review copy please contact me via email on the website.